Success StoryNutrition and Read Across America Week
Nutrition and Read Across America Week
Author: Janie Oliver
Planning Unit: Knott County CES
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Nutrition and Read Across America Week
During the pandemic, The Nutrition Education Program Assistant learned to utilize virtual programming to reach the youth audience. During Read Across America Week, The NEP assistant partnered with the Family Resource Center at Carr Creek Elementary to provide a Dr. Seuss story and a short lesson on nutrition. The NEP assistant read a new book published by Random House and the Partnership for a Healthier America organization entitled “Oh the Things you can do that are GOOD for you”. The book touches on eating fruits and vegetables to have energy and to be strong. It also talks about being active and getting plenty physical activity. There is even a part of the book that talks about washing hands and getting rid of germs. The book goes along nicely with the nutritional message the NEP assistant wanted to send.
The NEP assistant recorded herself reading the book, and after, she demoed a nutritious NEP fruit parfait recipe. The teachers stated how much the kids enjoyed watching the video and said they all wanted to try the recipe and was going to ask their parents to get the ingredients for them.
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