Success Story2021 Huge Fall Armyworm Outbreak Devastates Fields, Other Pests Monitored
2021 Huge Fall Armyworm Outbreak Devastates Fields, Other Pests Monitored
Author: Susan Fox
Planning Unit: Lyon County CES
Major Program: Integrated Pest Management
Plan of Work: Crop Production
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Fall armyworms took Lyon County by surprise this year with numbers not seen since the 70’s. The high numbers caused complete losses in tefft hay, and many soybean and alfalfa acres. Areas as large as 60 acres were eaten down to stems. Outbreaks on lawns were reported also. Upon receiving a call about a tefft field wipeout from a local farmer, the agent began contacting other local farmers by text and phone, advising them to begin scouting. The local UK Extension Entomologist, Dr. Raul Villanueva, was consulted on threshold levels and insecticides which were shared with farmers.
Two hundred acres of sorghum were sprayed after being scouted, as well as many soybean and alfalfa fields. Information on fall armyworms, scouting information, and spray guidelines were mailed twice and included in an agriculture newsletter. An article that combined advice for farmers and for homeowners, written by two specialists, was sent to the local newspaper and included in the Paducah Sun. Information was also posted on the Lyon County Master Gardener and the Lyon County ANR FaceBook pages.
The sorghum acreage was also monitored for sorghum midges and sugarcane aphids. The sugarcane aphids multiplied on the margins of the field but not the interior and the farmer was advised not to spray. Numbers were likely restrained by the use of sugarcane aphid-resistant sorghum varieties. Likewise, corn leaf aphids were significant before heading but the farmer was advised not to spray for them as they disappear after heading. Two sprays were avoided.
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