Success StoryHome Gardening Production
Home Gardening Production
Author: Ted Johnson
Planning Unit: Lee County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Accessing and Utilizing Nutritious Foods
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Home gardening and recommended fruit and vegetable production practices has been a major focus for the Lee County Extension staff for several years. Lee County ranks in the bottom 10 percent of most statics when it comes to unhealthy citizens. We have focused our efforts on developing education demonstration and programs towards eating healthier and producing and preserving local foods. Many demonstrations, programs and farm visits have been conducted in the past several years addressing this issue. Topics that have been covered include: Gardening, variety selection, trellis systems, raised bed production, preservation, soil health, safety, and lots more. Over 50 individuals have participated in at least one of our programs delivered to address this issue. One farmer reported by implementing the trellis system that we had demonstrated that he produced 100 percent more per foot than he had ever produced and product was better quality. This allowed him, for the first time, to preserve what he had extra, over 100 quarts.
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