S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Ricky Yeargan
Major Program: Small Farm Management
The opening workshop of the 3-year, grant-funded Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program was held at the Kentucky State University research farm on May 13, 2022. Forty five people attended, and thirteen were military veterans - a target audience. Over half completed pre/post surveys. Results indicated significant increases in knowledge related to financial accounting, helpful resources, area of agricultural interest, and especially knowledge of legal considerations in
Author: Shawn Lucas
The Organic Research and Extension Group at Kentucky State University has been conducting outreach to build more minority participation in the organic sector. Prior to 2022 we were not aware of any certified organic farms that were Black owned. As part of this effort we secured a Specialty Crops Block Grant from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. We have been building outreach within the KSU network of stakeholders as well as through connections with Black Soil Kentucky a
Author: T. Adam Probst
Woodford County is becoming more urbanized, and the Horticulture and Agriculture Extension Agents get more questions from residents with small acreage who are considering what enterprise may be available to help supplement their income in the future. In response to this need, the Agriculture and Horticulture Agent developed a four-week series entitled ‘Living on a Few Acres’. The series was held at the Woodford County Extension Office. It opened with a session called “Where Do
Author: Laura Rogers
Kentucky State University's Small Farm Program and Beginning Farmer Project, in collaboration with the University of Kentucky 4H agent Christy Martin of Russell County, worked together to teach succulent classes for 4H and clover buds students.The material covered in the classes was the proper technique to plant a dish garden with succulent plants. Why succulents do very well in a dish garden, and other plants will not prosper. We instructed students on a succulent water storage system, the
Author: William Rogers
I have stakeholders that are buying drones use on their farms. They are using them to check their animal and crop. So their children are watching them do this so they are want to join them with this so they call to see what is best to use with their children so I have help them with what to buy. This give them something they can do together. With work for them both.
Author: Jonathan Oakes
The Casey County Extension Service was approached by a representative of Tarter Farm and Ranch Equipment with an idea for a joint education program. It was noted that many people purchase farm equipment without considering what would work best for their farm operations and instead just guessing. This tactic of course resulting in the farm equipment not working as well as the farmer would expect. The agriculture agents from Casey, Pulaski, and Russell Counties all got together with the Tarter rep
Author: Kelsey Marcum
Author: Chelsey Anderson
In January, it was brought to the ANR agent in Clinton County’s attention about holding a basic welding course for beginners. After discussion with the Cumberland County ANR agent and the Albany Technology center welding instructor, it was decided to offer the program as a combined effort for a total of 12 participants. The class filled up within a few days of advertising. There is now a waitlist for a class in the fall at the same center. For the spring class, a total of 12 participants t
Author: Danny Adams
A joint venture between KSU and the Wayne County Extension Service provides Wayne County a Small Farm Assistant Agent. The Small Farm Assistant agent provides small Farmers as well as other community members with essential resources as well as information in times of need. Being a KSU Small Farm Assistant allows myself to answer their questions concerning farm production, marketing plans, as well as information about upcoming meetings or time sensitive deadlines. As a KSU Small
The Wayne County Soil Conservation District provides farmers with no-till planters to plant grass, post driver to fence with, spreaders to spread manure and lime in Wayne County. The KSU Small Farm Assistant provides farmers with pasture sprayers, plastic mulch layers, water wheel setter, plastic mulch lifter, pumpkin and sweet corn planter, and cattle handling equipment through the Wayne County Extension Office.Several farmers approached the Soil Conservation Office to help with demonstration e
Author: Keith Hackworth
According to the needs and at the direction of our leadership, Extension has been collaborating with the local County Conservation District on several programs and events during the year. The first one is a soil testing program. We have been educating our clientele about the importance of testing. Other programs are our annual Gardening – Seed Give Away and Cover Crop programs. These collaborative efforts have been on-going for several years now. As part of numerous educational progra
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment