S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Joanne Bankston
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
The Coordinator of Family and Consumer Sciences at Kentucky State University (Dr. Joanne Bankston) has served as the Vice President of the Council of Administrators in Family and Consumer Sciences (CAFCS) and planned the 2018 conference along with the president, Dr. Esther Duvall, and former president, Dr. Michael Newman. CAFCS is a national organization of individuals who hold administrative roles in Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) at colleges and universities across the country.  
Author: Lindsey Dunn
In January of 2017, the Daviess County Cooperative Extension Service conducted a single session of Leading Meeting Effectively open to local Extension Leadership including District Boar, County Extension Council, and all Program Councils. As a result, outside interest was expressed and the post evaluation of participants showed a desire for a more in-depth series to educate leaders in conducting effective business meetings in our community. The desire found within the community to beco
Author: Renata Farmer
Knox County Extension works to strengthen programs and better serve the residents of Knox County. As part of this process, the County Extension Council, Extension District Board and county agents worked to identify ways to improve Extension facilities and future needs of the county. The process began over 5 years ago for planning the development of an outdoor pavilion facility. The structure was completed in Spring of 2018. Near 100 individuals attended the Open House event for
Author: Robert Kirby
Knox County Extension works to strengthen programs and better serve the residents of Knox County. As part of this process, the County Extension Council, Extension District Board and county agents worked to identify ways to improve Extension facilities and future needs of the county. The process began over 5 years ago for planning the development of an outdoor pavilion facility. The structure was completed in Spring of 2018. Near 100 individuals attended the Open House eve
Author: Evan Tate
Leadership has long been recognized as the reason some communities advance while othersstruggle to maintain the status quo. The Green River Area counties are home to alarge number of engaged and motivated agricultural producers who are recognizedas leaders among both their peers and elected officials at the state andnational level. This notoriety does notoccur overnight. Formal and non-formal education,dissatisfaction
Author: Camille Lambert
Leadership has long been recognized as the reason some communities advance while others struggle to maintain the status quo. The Green River Area counties are home to a large number of engaged and motivated agricultural producers who are recognized as leaders among both their peers and elected officials at the state and national level. This notoriety does not occur overnight. Formal and non-formal education, dissatisfaction with present circ
Author: Vicki Shadrick
Leadership has long been recognized as the reason some communities advance while others struggle to maintain the status quo. The Green River Area counties are home to a large number of engaged and motivated agricultural producers who are recognized as leaders among both their peers and elected officials at the state and national level. This notoriety does not occur overnight. Formal and non-formal education, dissatisfaction with present circumstances, and willingness to embrace change rather tha
Author: Clinton Hardy
Leadership has long been recognized as the reason some communities advance while others struggle to maintain the status quo. The Green River Area counties are home to a large number of engaged and motivated agricultural producers who are recognized as leaders among both their peers and elected officials at the state and national level. This notoriety does not occur overnight. Formal and non-formal education, dissatisfaction with present cir
Author: Patrick Hardesty
According to the 2012 Ag. Census, approximately 1500 horses are raised on 222 farms. Ninety percent of the equine in Taylor County are used for pleasure. Green River State Park has 26 miles of trails used for horses, walking and cycling. A group of horsemen wanted to establish the Green River BackCountry Horsemen Association that would be affiliated with the National and State organizations. In 2017, the Green River BackCountry Horsemen Association was formed with the assistance of the Tayl
Author: Jeremiah Johnson
According to data from the Corporation for National and Community Service 763,706 Kentuckians volunteered in 2015 of their time, talent and effort to improve people’s lives. 84.34 million hours of service and $1.7 billion of service were contributed. Henderson County’s population is around 29,000 and the need for volunteers is more critical as programs expand. The Henderson County Extension office ended the year with a leadership appreciation dinner that was called “Hender
Civic engagement helps create and cultivate vibrant communities. Studies have shown social capital is necessary for effective government and economic development. Social capital are the individuals in a community who engage in the legislative process, serve on local boards and councils, keep aware of news and events, and contribute to ideas and initiatives that are important to the community. Overall in the U.S., social capital has been on the decline. Kentucky ranks 48th in civic heal
Author: Lyndall Harned
~~During the summer, I was one of a few from District 1 chosen to attend a training on Empowering Local Leaders at UK. Our job was to take the training we received and train the rest of the District 1 agents so that all counties could present the training at their fall or winter meeting to their local CEC. The agent training was presented at the September District 1 staff meeting. I took the lead and organized an on-line meeting and a live meeting to help all involved identify the part they were
Author: Sarah Fannin
The Morgan County Extension Educational Farm was purchased by the Extension District Board with the vision of providing learning opportunities for Morgan County residents in their own backyard. Planned in conjunction with the County Extension Council Field Day committee, agents and staff hosted the second annual evening event with more than 150 folks in attendance. Featured were on farm projects including the Replacement Heifer Demo Herd, Basics of Curing Country Hams, Tomato & Pepper Growin
Author: Melissa Goodman
Many cultures share and pass on norms through storytelling (DePree, 1997; Hyvarinen, 2009; Mathison, 2005). Extension as a culture also creates and shares stories to pass on history, provide information about Extension work and experiences, and develop the organization (Peters & Franz, 2012). Sixty- two Purchase Area Extension Homemakers were trained in Influencing Others through Story Telling by the Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences through train the trainer formatted session
Author: Tracey Tashjian
Although Graves County is ranked third in the state in agriculture, it has been the only county in the Purchase Area without an Extension tax. For over sixteen years, three agents have been serving a county of 557 square miles (population 37,000) with a budget of 150,000. Increased expenses and this funding deficit continues to limit the number of programs that can be offered for residents in Graves County and hinder the growth of Extension in Graves County. A year and a half a
Author: Joanna Coles
Communication and teamwork within organizations can be compromised due to lack of self-understanding and the ability to relate to others. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) can be utilized to help enhance clientele’s leadership and communication skills. Since 2016, five 3-4 hour workshops were conducted for 65 individuals participating in leadership programs and one for Fruit of the Loom’s Communication Team. Participants completed assessments to determine individual’
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment