Shelby County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

2003 - Master Clothing Volunteer
2003.3) 8

Number of volunteers addressing community issues by assessing needs, developing programs and/or implementing solutions

2003.4) 25

Number of Extension programs/activities conducted by volunteers

2003.7) 125

Number of adults reached through volunteers conducting Extension programs and/or activities

2003.6) 150

Number of youth reached through volunteers conducting Extension programs and/or activities

2003.5) 50

Number of hours volunteers spent training others on behalf of Extension

2003.1) 8

Number of volunteers whose personal and interpersonal leadership knowledge and skills improved through the MCV program

2003.2) 8

Number of volunteers who practice personal and interpersonal leadership skills in clubs, schools and community outreach

Success Stories

Master Clothing Volunteers Make a Difference in Local Communities

Author: M. Elizabeth Coots

Major Program: Master Clothing Volunteer

Studies indicate that sewing is not only a productive hobby and life skill, but it can also reduce stress and increase an individual’s feeling of self-worth. The Shelby County FCS Agent advised and worked with eight Master Clothing Volunteers to plan programming for the year. The Agent also coordinated with the Jefferson County 4-H Agent who serves as the Louisville Area Master Clothing Volunteer Agent Contact and participated in the statewide MCV Training, helped to or

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