Russell County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

1086 - Community Vitality and Leadership - ANR
1086.1) 8

Number of individuals that take on formal or informal leadership roles as a result of participation in an Extension leadership program

1086.2) 17

Number of strategies adopted and implemented to improve the community

1086.3) 6

Number of empowered individuals engaged in coalitions or organizations to address a significant community issue

1086.4) 5

Number of volunteers addressing community issues by assessing needs, developing programs and/or implementing solutions

Success Stories

Russell County Farm Safety Day

Author: Jonathan Oakes

Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership - ANR

The Russell County landscape is home to an assortment of terrains.  The county is home to large amounts of farmland, woodlands, streams, rivers and a large lake.  Russell County Extension Office held its annual Progressive Farm Safety Day in conjunction with the Progressive Ag Foundation and hosted approximately 220, 3rd grade students from the county.  The farm safety day was also attended by approximately 40 teachers, and community volunteers to help make the day a success.This

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