Rowan County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

2070 - Cook Together, Eat Together
2070.1) 600

Number of individuals who reported eating more healthy foods

2070.2) 450

Number of individuals who reported preparing more healthy home-cooked meals

2070.3) 250

Number of individuals who adopted one or more practices to reduce food shopping costs (e.g. comparing prices, planning meals, making shopping lists) 

Success Stories

Cook Together, Eat Together the New Norm

Author: Peggy Jones

Major Program: Cook Together, Eat Together

Learning to eat Healthier is now being recognized more so than ever before.  Establishing good food preparations, cooking skills and eating together as a family unit is becoming one of today’s norm. Today youth are becoming better educate in the classroom, with social media, during local gatherings and at home, and better eating habits are being developed. Eating more fruits and vegetables and less carbs and protein is a critical behavior for health promotion and disease preventi

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