Pulaski County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
4021 - Agriculture | ||
4021.4) | 0 |
Number of youth who indicated “yes or usually” to the Common Measures Experience Survey Question #13 “Is 4-H a place where you have a chance to be a leader?” (SEEC) |
4021.3) | 0 |
Number of youth who indicated “yes or usually” to the Common Measures Experience Survey Question #6 “Is 4-H A place where you get to figure out things for yourself?” (SEEC) |
4021.2) | 2535 |
Number of youth who gained an understanding of the role of agriculture in the production of food, fiber, and wood products (KOSA) |
4021.1) | 433 |
Number of youth who demonstrated a skill that was learned or improved by participating in 4-H agriculture programming (PRACTICE) |
Success Stories
2021 Pulaski County Fair Livestock Shows
Author: Jennifer Cole
Major Program: Agriculture
For many years now, Pulaski County Extension has help prepare and plan the County Fair Beef Show. Over the last two years, many parents and 4-Hers who show livestock in Pulaski have been asking to add small animal (hog, goat & sheep) shows to our county fair. We have several youth in our county that show sheep, hogs & goats. After collaborating with the Pulaski County Fair Board, Extension was able to get small animal shows added to the 2021 Pulaski County Fair.The firs
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Pulaski County Fair Livestock Shows 2021
Author: Trent Adkins
Major Program: Agriculture
For many years now, Pulaski County Extension has help prepare and plan the County Fair Beef Show. Over the last two years, many parents and 4-Hers who show livestock in Pulaski have been asking to add small animal (hog, goat & sheep) shows to our county fair. We have several youth in our county that show sheep, hogs & goats. After collaborating with the Pulaski County Fair Board, Extension was able to get small animal shows added to the 2021 Pulaski County Fair.The fir
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Raised Beds at Sunrise: An Entire Office Effort
Author: Bethany Wilson
Major Program: Agriculture
It is no secret that gardening and other home horticulture activities can serve as a great outlet for individuals with disabilities, mental health difficulties and behavioral issues. The Sunrise Children’s Program Cumberland Adventure Program (CAP), is located in Bronston, KY. The Cumberland Adventure Program uses therapeutic outdoor adventures experiences and clinical intervention to assist boys who suffer from behavioral or emotional issues. Many of the boys come from backgro
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Pulaski County 4-H Embryology in the Classroom
Author: Erica Spurgeon
Major Program: Agriculture
Thanks to the 2022 Kentucky 4-H Foundation Agriculture Mini-Grant Program Pulaski County 4-H was able to “hatch” a new program for our school enrichment clubs. Agent Erica Spurgeon was awarded a mini grant to start an Embryology in the Classroom program. The grant allowed us to purchase incubators, brooder supplies, and curriculum for our local schools to use. Fertilized chicken eggs were donated by Mike Ford of the University of Kentucky’s poultry research facility.On Ma
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4-H Ag Field Day
Author: Jennifer Cole
Major Program: Agriculture
Wendell Berry (1990), Kentucky novelist, poet, environmentalist, and farmer, stated that “…eating is an agricultural act” (p.1). Unfortunately, for many, there is a disconnect between the food we eat and where that food comes from. Today’s society lacks understanding regarding agricultural production and processing (Spielmaker and Leising, 2013). The Kentucky 4-H Youth Development Program strives to increase agricultural literacy among youth in Kentucky. The Agricultural
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Ag Field Day: A New Tradition in Pulaski County
Author: Erica Spurgeon
Major Program: Agriculture

Wendell Berry (1990), Kentucky novelist, poet, environmentalist, and farmer, stated that “…eating is an agricultural act” (p.1). Unfortunately, for many, there is a disconnect between the food we eat and where that food comes from. Today’s society lacks understanding regarding agricultural production and processing (Spielmaker and Leising, 2013). The Kentucky 4-H Youth Development Program strives to increase agricultural literacy among youth in Kentucky. The Agricultural
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4-H Ag Day
Author: Bethany Wilson
Major Program: Agriculture
Wendell Berry (1990), Kentucky novelist, poet, environmentalist, and farmer, stated that “…eating is an agricultural act” (p.1). Unfortunately, for many, there is a disconnect between the food we eat and where that food comes from. Today’s society lacks understanding regarding agricultural production and processing (Spielmaker and Leising, 2013). The Kentucky 4-H Youth Development Program strives to increase agricultural literacy among youth in Kentucky. The Agricul
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment