Powell County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

2068 - Cook Wild Kentucky
2068.6) 0

Pounds of donated venison

2068.3) 100

Number of recipe cards distributed

2068.2) 2

Number of recipe-tasting events hosted

2068.1) 40

Number of participants at recipe-tasting events

2068.5) 1

Number of participants in ‘Field to Fork/Hook and Cook’ classes.

Success Stories

Family Hook and Cook Event

Author: Kendyl Redding

Major Program: Cook Wild Kentucky

Family Hook and Cook Event

Kentucky offers prime fishing spots that can be found year-round across the state. These streams and lakes are home to bass, catfish, trout, sunfish, and more. Many people rely on local game to feed their families and save money on their grocery bill. Fish is part of a healthy diet. It is a great source of protein and is low in saturated fat. The Powell County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent partnered  with Kentucky Fish and Wildlife and Red River Pay Lake to host a Hook a

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