Powell County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

2004 - Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
2004.4) 30

Number of KEHA members who report knowledge gained through county and/or area officer and chairman training.

2004.3) 5

Number of KEHA members who utilized knowledge gained through officer training to fulfill a KEHA leadership role at the club, county, area and/or state level.

2004.1) 0

Number of hours KEHA members volunteered for EXTENSION activities and events

2004.2) 0

Number of hours KEHA members volunteered in COMMUNITY activities and events

Success Stories

Innovation in Programming: Bluegrass Area Leader Lessons

Author: Kendyl Redding

Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Each year, the Bluegrass Area Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Agents come together to plan “Leader Lessons” for members to bring back to their individual clubs. Traditionally, agents would divide the lessons amongst each other and travel to each county during their selected month to facilitate a workshop on the topic chosen by the KEHA members. Due to the pandemic and staff shortages in the Bluegrass area this described traditional method became increasingly difficult to facilitat

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