Perry County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

1122 - Forestry and Natural Resource Professional Education
1122.1) 5

Number of individuals that attended forestry and natural resource professional training

1122.2) 5

Number reporting an increase in knowledge of forest management and silvicultural practices as a result of Extension programming

1122.3) 2

Number of public forests that were positively impacted/practices implemented 

1122.1) 250

Acreage of public forest that were positively impacted/practice implemented

1122.1) 5

Number of private landowners positively impacted /practices implemented

1122.1) 0

Dollars saved/earned on public forests as a result of Extension programming

1122.1) 250

Private landowner forest acreage positively impacted/practices implemented

1122.1) 5000

Dollars saved/earned on private forests as a result of Extension programming

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