Perry County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

1031 - Home & Consumer Horticulture
1031.1) 25

Number of participants engaged in home and consumer horticulture programming

Success Stories

Gardening Options for Everyone

Author: Glenna Wooten

Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture

In the spring of 2019, the Perry County Cooperative Extension Family and Consumer Sciences agent offered a class on Gardening Options for Everyone.  This lesson covered gardening basics such as soil, light, and drainage as well as spacing, planting depth, and caring for plants.   Since many people in southeastern Kentucky now have only one or two in the household, a large garden is no longer the best option for them.  Smaller container gardens or raised bed gardens are better opti

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Community Youth Garden Project

Author: Charles May

Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture

  To assist parents with bored children at home with nothing to do besides play video games all day, the Perry County Extension Service ANR Agent started a neighborhood gardening club.This involved getting children in one neighborhood interested in growing their own garden. First, with some parent’s assistance, they had to clear off an overgrown area to make a site for a garden. This involved two days of hard work but the children seemed to enjoy it especially when they saw what a nic

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