Pendleton County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

2038 - Child Development Programs
2038.4) 338

Based on observation, how many children increased their ability to express emotion after attending the program?

2038.3) 212

Based on observation and/or feedback from caregivers and/or teachers, how many children demonstrated improved early literacy skills? (i.e., phonological awareness, print awareness, narrative skills, vocabulary)

2038.2) 338

Based on observation and/or feedback from caregivers and/or teachers, how many children put new social-emotional skills into practice after completing the program? (i.e., self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making)

2038.1) 338

Based on observation, how many children improved their gross motor skills? (i.e., body, automation, cross lateral movement, locomotor, and stability)

Success Stories


Author: Kenna Knight

Major Program: Child Development Programs


In 2020 while looking for innovative ways to reach youth and conduct programs amid a pandemic, StoryWalks® were adopted in Pendleton County due to the program's flexibility. Early childhood literacy and kindergarten readiness were our primary focus. Kentucky has reported that only 52% of children attending kindergarten are considered ready, and in Pendleton County, is only 41.1%. Kindergarten readiness, early childhood literacy, increased access to fresh fruits and vegetables, and increa

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