Pendleton County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
2062 - Food Preparation and Preservation | ||
2062.3) | 298 |
Number of individuals who reported preparing more healthy home-cooked meals |
2062.4) | 432 |
Number of pints of fruits, vegetables or fruit/vegetable products canned through water bath canning (e.g. pickles, jams, jellies, sauces) |
2062.2) | 56 |
Number of individuals who demonstrated safe handling and preparation and/or preservation of food |
2062.1) | 89 |
Number of individuals who reported improved knowledge, opinions, skills, or aspirations regarding the safe storage, handling, preparation and/or preservation of food |
2062.5) | 265 |
Number of pints of vegetables, soups, meats, or other value-added products canned through pressure canning |
2062.6) | 213 |
Number of pints of fruits or vegetables frozen |
2062.7) | 24 |
Number of pints of fruits or vegetables dried |
2062.8) | 2 |
Number of Food Preservation Workshop participants |
2062.9) | 98 |
Number of Food Preservation Workshop participants reporting an increase in food preservation skills |
Success Stories
Food Preservation
Author: Kenna Knight
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

With many finding extra time on their hands during the COVID-19 pandemic two things became very apparent to the Pendleton County Extension Office. The desire to grow their own produce and the need for educational resources for food preservation. The Extension Service listen and provide help for both. In the Spring of 2020 over 100 garden started kits were distributed to local residents and in Mid-Summer the extension service provided food preservation kits to most of those reci
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment