Oldham County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

4041 - Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
4041.1) 294

Number of youth who indicate they listen to people who have different ideas

4041.2) 294

Number of youth who indicate they can finish a job they started

4041.3) 260

Number of youth who indicate they can take responsibility for their actions

4041.5) 150

Number of 4-H members leading a project group or project club

4041.6) 70

Number of 4-H members serving as direct mentors to younger youth

4041.7) 294

Number of youth reported being a better leader (due to skills improved through Extension programming)

4041.4) 150

Number of youth provided with diversity focused education

Success Stories

Life Skills Develop Effective Leaders

Author: Kelly Woods

Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum

One National 4-H Youth Initiative is youth will gain life skills and experiences needed to emerge as effective leaders and contributing members of society. Oldham County 4-H strives to maintain a strong base of Community Clubs which are leader led.  Relationships with leaders and 4-H community partnerships create an environment in which a young person can thrive developing life skills and leadership.  In addition, the 4-H Council is focusing on efforts to maintain older youth.  Pr

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