Ohio County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

4011 - 4-H Volunteer Programming
4011.1) 503

Number of youth who indicated they like helping people in their community (Common Measures – CS 1)

4011.2) 345

Number of youth who indicated that because of 4-H, they met leaders in their community (Common Measures – CS 9)

4011.3) 15

Number of youth who have encouraged others to volunteer in their community (Common Measures – CS 10)

4011.4) 52

Number of youth who have done a community service project (Common Measures – CS 11)

4011.5) 12

Number of youth who have helped plan a community service project (Common Measures – CS 12)

4011.6) 142

Number of youth who have led a community service project (Common Measures – CS 13)

4011.7) 111

Number of adults serving in on-going/continuous volunteer roles

4011.8) 45

Number of youth serving in on-going/continuous volunteer roles

4011.9) 81

Number of adults serving in episodic volunteer roles

4011.10) 58

Number of youth serving in episodic volunteer roles

4011.11) 15

Number of 4-H community service projects conducted in your county

Success Stories

Kentucky Volunteer Forum

Author: Gary Druin

Major Program: 4-H Volunteer Programming

Volunteers play vital roles in 4-H programs, implementing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds.   The success of Extension and 4-H Youth Development programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large group of volunteers.  4-H traditionally focuses on positive youth development, but adult volunteers are the foundation of the program.Effective training programs enable volunteer leaders to develop sets of skills

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