Ohio County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

1011 - Beef
1011.1) 34

Number of producers who reported improved record keeping practices as a result of Extension programs

1011.2) 44

Number of producers reporting changed or improved pasture management practices

1011.3) 45

Number of producers who reported saving money or reducing cost of operation

1011.4) 126

Number of producers who now practice efficient reproduction techniques

1011.5) 126

Number of producers who implement a crossbreeding program and utilize Expected Progeny Difference when selecting bulls

Success Stories

Better Beef Management

Author: Gregory Comer

Major Program: Beef

     The 2016 National Beef Quality Assurance Audit, showed that food safety and how/where cattle are raised are two of the top five concerns of beef consumers. By committing to the “Kentucky Beef Quality Care & Assurance (BQCA)” Program, Ohio County beef producers are implementing the national BQA practices , as well as, adding cattle handling and care components to their beef management skills.      In the last three years, over 120 beef produ

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