Nelson County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

4011 - 4-H Volunteer Programming
4011.1) 60

Number of youth who indicated they like helping people in their community (Common Measures – CS 1)

4011.2) 15

Number of youth who indicated that because of 4-H, they met leaders in their community (Common Measures – CS 9)

4011.3) 20

Number of youth who have encouraged others to volunteer in their community (Common Measures – CS 10)

4011.4) 566

Number of youth who have done a community service project (Common Measures – CS 11)

4011.5) 15

Number of youth who have helped plan a community service project (Common Measures – CS 12)

4011.6) 15

Number of youth who have led a community service project (Common Measures – CS 13)

4011.7) 53

Number of adults serving in on-going/continuous volunteer roles

4011.8) 40

Number of youth serving in on-going/continuous volunteer roles

4011.9) 52

Number of adults serving in episodic volunteer roles

4011.10) 20

Number of youth serving in episodic volunteer roles

4011.11) 20

Number of 4-H community service projects conducted in your county

Success Stories

Nelson County 4-H Develops and Recognizes Volunteers at the Kentucky Volunteer Forum

Author: Marsha Hagler

Major Program: 4-H Volunteer Programming

Nelson County 4-H Develops and Recognizes Volunteers at the Kentucky Volunteer Forum

The Cooperative Extension Service relies on volunteers to extend the reach of extension programs.  A well maintained 4-H program should include volunteer training, recognition and motivation.  The “Kentucky Volunteer Forum” or KVF was created to address basic needs and beyond of volunteer development. This conference is held every two years with the last held in February of 2020.  The intent of the conference is to provide workshops to increase skills and competency, r

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