Nelson County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

3034 - Arts Engagement
3034.5) 0

Number of opportunities for creative expression

3034.4) 0

Number of participants involved in community art projects

3034.6) 0

Number of opportunities for intergenerational creative engagement

3034.8) 0

Number of opportunities to discuss individual perceptions of one’s community through interactive arts activities

3034.7) 0

Number of documented next steps for an individual or community plan inspired by arts engagement projects

3034.9) 0

Number of participants reporting an increase in community pride through participation in Extension arts programming

3034.10) 0

Number of participants reporting an increase in understanding the importance of arts engagement

3034.11) 0

Number of Extension artistic opportunities available for a community to come together

3034.1) 58

Number of arts/creative placemaking projects completed

3034.2) 10

Number of artisans participating in Extension program

3034.3) 0

Number of artisans who report an increase in income based on what they learned through Extension programs

Success Stories

Homemakers Revitalize the Cultural Arts

Author: Luke Fries

Major Program: Arts Engagement

Nelson County Homemakers applied for and received a $300 grant at the Annual KEHA Conference in Louisville, KY for the development of a Cultural Arts and Crafts program in 2019-2020.  The Homemaker Cultural Arts Committee was comprised of four individuals who felt the county needed to teach the skills needed to create cultural arts, including but not limited to, sewing, knitting, hand-stitching, painting, quilting, basket making, and floral arranging.  For the second straight year, the

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