Montgomery County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

4083 - Specialty Camps (overnight camps that take place outdoors)
4083.1) 294

Number of youth who participated in specialty camps

4083.2) 294

Number of youth who reported gaining at least one new life skill as a result of participating in specialty camps

4083.3) 56

Number of teens and adult volunteers who participated in specialty camps.

Success Stories

Environmental Camp Success

Author: Charles Comer

Major Program: Specialty Camps (overnight camps that take place outdoors)

The four elementary schools and the Montgomery County Extension 4-H program partnered to provide an outdoor educational experience through 4-H Environmental Camp. This overnight camping experience allows young people the opportunity to learn real-life skills, build confidence through trying new things, develop self-esteem, meet new friends, and gain a sense of independence.  For many of the participants, this is the  first time spending a night  away from home; a first time to see

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