Metcalfe County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

1021 - Local Food Systems
1021.11) 19

Number of producers /vendors who increased or maintained access of locally produced foods based on sales and/or % of redemption of alternative payment programs

1021.1) 94

Number of people who attended training on food safety, food handling, food processing, liability, and/or marketing.  This includes: PBPT, GAP certification, Farmers Market samples, ….)

1021.8) 58

Number of producers/vendors who increased or maintained sales and/or reduced risk when selling food or food products

1021.6) 37

Number of people who used Extension resources for marketing, pricing, and/or advertising local foods

1021.4) 8

Number of producers who obtained value added processing certification (Home Based Microprocessing,  Home Based Processing, Better Processing ,Control School,  etc.)  

1021.5) 2

Number of people who earned certification to sell or provide samples at farmers market

1021.3) 1

Number of producers who completed FSMA - Produce Safety Rule or Third-Party GAP Audit  

1021.2) 0

Number of people who completed Extension Food safety (PBPT)

1021.7) 37

Number of vendors approved to redeem alternate payments including WIC and/or Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program, Double Dollar programs, ect.  

Success Stories

Nutrition Education Program and Policy Systems and Environment (PSE) in Metcalfe County

Author: Lynn Blankenship

Major Program: Local Food Systems

The Metcalfe County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences Education, conducted a spring 2022 Program Advisory Council meeting with ten program stakeholder representatives, in anticipation of hiring a new Nutrition Education Program Assistant.  This organizational meeting resulted in a NEP program partner contact list, potential programs and events for partnering in 2022/23, and a tentative schedule for program partner site visits that occurred with this Agent and new program assi

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Metcalfe County Farmers Market Success

Author: Lynn Blankenship

Major Program: Local Food Systems

While Metcalfe County has several Dollar Stores and one IGA, the produce variety available is very limited, of poor quality, and is very expensive.  The Metcalfe County Cooperative Extension Agents for FCS and ANR, started the Metcalfe County Farmers Market (MCFM) in 2008, as a community and economic development activity to develop a local foods system, with a May - September market season.  A secondary goal was for MCFM to serve as an outlet for nutrition education programs, where par

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