Metcalfe County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

2038 - Stories, Songs, and Stretches
2038.2) 37

Number of individuals demonstrating nurturing attitudes and behaviors by caring for the health and well-being of individuals throughout the lifespan.  

2038.3) 37

Number of individuals reporting behaviors that foster the optimal development of children and  youth

2038.4) 37

Number of parents and/or caregivers who practice one or more parental leadership skills (such as parental empathy, proper ways of establishing family rules, and concrete support their child to develop a sense of positive self-worth)

2038.5) 9

Number of individuals actively engaged in collaborations and programs that build community capacity to nurture families

2038.1) 37

Number of individuals (parents or caregivers) reporting improved personal skills (such as increased personal strengths, interpersonal communication and life skills to strengthen families)  

Success Stories

New Family and Consumer Sciences Extension and local Head Start partnership formed, as a result of Stories Songs and Stretches program outreach

Author: Lynn Blankenship

Major Program: Stories, Songs, and Stretches

In many Kentucky counties, limited resources or the environment may serve as barriers for healthy lifestyle choices related to early childhood development and physical activity.  As an innovative strategy to improve early childhood development and increase movement with Metcalfe County residents, the Family and Consumer Sciences Agent partnered with The Metcalfe County Head Start Child Development Center, to implement Stories, Songs, and Stretches. Program demographics: Of 28 families

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