Metcalfe County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

1061 - Sustainable Agriculture
1061.2) 80

Number of producers that implemented sustainable practices as a result of participating in Extension programs

1061.1) 105

Number of those indicating an increased awareness of sustainable agriculture practices

Success Stories

Using Alternative Methods to Reach Producers During Covid-19

Author: Gary Bell

Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture

Covid-19 presented many challenges to the KY Cooperative Extension Service and those we serve.  Not being able to conduct in person trainings and hold meetings and events completely changed the way that daily operations were carried out.  The Metcalfe County Extension Service found unique ways of reaching clientele during the global pandemic.  While many scheduled events were cancelled or postponed, essential business was carried out in a timely and effective manner.BQA, CAIP educ

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