Scott County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022

1046 - Pollinators
1046.1) 201

Number of people  gaining knowledge on establishing and maintaining pollinator habitats

1046.2) 20

Number of people who gained knowledge in honey production, marketing and proper maintenance

1046.3) 104

Number of people who used Extension resources in making decisions or employing best practices related to pollinators, and /or their habitats

1046.11) 0

Number of people who used Extension resources in making decisions or employing best practices related to processing or marketing of honey

Success Stories

Water and Pollinator Conservation Goals Are Achieved with One Rain Garden

Author: Sharon Flynt

Major Program: Pollinators

In 2013, a rain garden was installed on a slope in Brooking Park to briefly hold/soak in water that flows off surrounding impervious and land surfaces at the Scott County Extension office. A carefully planned rain garden looks like an ordinary flower garden, but by 2021 the rain garden had become overgrown, filled invasive plants. Master Gardener volunteers, along with the horticulture agent, renovated the garden, this time with thoughtfully chosen non-invasive, native perennials that survived t

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