Number of people who used Extension information to make decisions on site selection, varieties, and /or maintenance
Number of people who gained knowledge in consumer and home horticulture including: native plants, disease and pests, composting, site analysis, and proper maintenance
Continuing efforts to meet the public desire for horticultural educational classes in the ever-changing climate of the post pandemic world, horticulture agents in 7 counties of Central Region collaborated in the Fall of 2021 to offer the Everyday Gardener Webinar Series once again. The series, taught by agents and specialist, provided educational classes related to horticulture under the fields of: Insects: The Good , the Bad and the Ugly, Wildlife and Woodlands, and Season to Season
Horticulture Webinar Wednesday virtual programming continues to see interest and growth in its third season. Since February 2022, when the 3rd season started, through June 30, 2022, a total of 522 attendees have participated in the twenty live weekly webinars. Additionally, the zoom based “lunch and learn” horticultural program continues draw in participants not only at the weekly Wednesday webinars at 12:30 ET-11:30 CT, but also through the Horticulture Webinar Wednesdays YouT