Scott County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

2065 - Food Preparation
2065.1) 2422

Number of individuals reporting improved knowledge, opinions, skills, or aspirations regarding the safe storage, handling, and preparation of food

2065.2) 1456

Number of individuals who demonstrated safe handling and preparation of food

2065.3) 1456

Number of individuals who report intention to cook more

2065.4) 919

Number of individuals who report preparing more healthy home cooked meals

Success Stories

Food Safety Pastabilities

Author: Whitney Hilterbran

Major Program: Food Preparation

Foodborne illnesses are a burden on public health and contribute significantly to the cost of health care. Each year foodborne illnesses sicken 48 million Americans (approximately 17% of people in the United States) and lead to 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths (Source: Healthy People 2020). In an effort to combat this preventable and costly illness, Scott County Extension Office Family and Consumer Sciences incorporated food safety concepts into a Homemaker Leader Lesson.Individuals ove

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