Simpson County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

2006 - Community Vitality and Leadership -FCS
2006.1) 40

Number of individuals that take on formal or informal leadership roles as a result of participation in an Extension leadership program

2006.2) 0

Number of strategies adopted and implemented to improve the community

2006.3) 10

Number of empowered individuals engaged in coalitions or organizations to address a significant community issue

2006.4) 10

Number of volunteers addressing community issues by assessing needs, developing programs and/or implementing solutions

Success Stories

Providing Beds to Those in Need

Author: Nancy Doyle

Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership -FCS

It was discovered at a community health fair that there were children in Simpson County that did not have a bed to sleep in.  Through collaboration of the Simpson County Extension Office, the Franklin-Simpson Leadership Alumni, Simpson County Schools Youth Service Center and the local high school shop class Build A Bed Project was founded in 2017.   Because of Covid 19 and an FCS Vacancy, this project was at a standstill until January 2023.  In January, the Simpson County FCS Exte

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