Fayette County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025
4051 - Leadership | ||
4051.6) | 30 |
Number of volunteers whose 4-H members understood how their actions impact others. |
4051.1) | 13 |
Number of youth who served in a leadership role. |
4051.2) | 62 |
Number of youth who worked in a team/group to accomplish a common task or goal. |
4051.3) | 30 |
Number of youth who understood how their actions impact others. |
4051.5) | 31 |
Number of volunteers whose 4-H members worked in a team / group to accomplish a common task or goal. |
4051.4) | 9 |
Number of volunteers whose 4-H members served in a leadership role. |
4051.100) | 30 |
Number of Youth (5-18) engaged in L & CE 4-H Programming |
4051.110) | 0 |
Number of Volunteers (19+) engaged in L & CE 4-H Programming |
Success Stories
2024 4-H Issues Conference
Author: Genaea Sarantakos
Major Program: Leadership

This year, Fayette County had the pleasure of supporting two delegates for the 2024 Issues Conference. "More than 100 delegates for the 35th annual Kentucky 4-H Issues Conference are convening at Dale Hollow State Park in Burkesville, Kentucky, this month to learn how they can take an active role in tackling the pressing concerns affecting their home counties. The conference, which takes place on Nov. 14–16, brings together youth in grades 9–11 and adults from across t
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Breakfast with Santa
Author: Lucas Powell
Major Program: Leadership
When meeting new families for the first time, we always hear about how they wish they knew of our program sooner. Our Breakfast with Santa Event has been a great way to engage new and existing participants in a fun community event. It has also served as a potential fundraiser for our 4-H Council and Clubs. In planning for the program with our 4-H council this year, we invited local entrepreneurs to set up booths to sell during the event. One of our 4-H members had a booth during the program. We
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment