Fayette County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018

1031 - Home & Consumer Horticulture
1031.1) 2700

Number of participants engaged in home and consumer horticulture programming

Success Stories

Growing community

Author: Jamie Dockery

Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture

A recent study at our own university identified several Lexington communities as  low income areas where residents have little access to transportation, grocery stores, and subsequently, nutritious food. In an effort to address this, the Fayette County Extension horticulture program organized a program called Growing Community. Since 2010 our program has consisted of ongoing demonstrations and classes that arm participants with the basic knowledge to grow vegetables.  A collaboration w

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sustainable alternatives

Author: Jamie Dockery

Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture

Our society is in the midst of a revolution of environmental consciousness. People are concerned about chemical use, yet still want to maintain beautiful landscapes and gardens. Fayette County Cooperative extension's horticulture agents and Extension Master Gardener volunteers routinely advise homeowners of the least hazardous approach in dealing with garden pests and problems. In many cases our recommendation is to not use chemicals at all. Our soil testing services help avoid the indiscrim

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