Fayette County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
2066 - Nutrition and Food Systems General | ||
2066.3) | 0 |
Dollars in EBT, WIC, or Senior benefits redeemed at farmers’ markets |
2066.4) | 219 |
Number of families/caregivers who reported supplementing their diets with healthy foods that they grew or preserved (community or backyard gardens, fishing, hunting, farmers markets) |
2066.5) | 110 |
Number of individuals who reported increased knowledge, skills, or intentions related to using the nutrition facts label |
2066.2) | 0 |
Number of individuals who reported they utilized delivery systems/access points (e.g. farmers’ markets, CSAs, WIC, food pantries) that offer healthy foods |
2066.1) | 165 |
Number of individuals who reported eating 4-6 servings of fruits and/or vegetables daily |
Success Stories
Spreading Goodwill in the Community
Author: Jacqui Denegri
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General

In August of 2020 the Fayette County Extension Office and the Nutrition Education Program Assistant were approached by the Goodwill RISE (Reintegrating Individuals Successfully Every Day) program, a paid job-readiness training that paves the way back to employment for individuals with a criminal history. It was requested that the two community partners provide nutrition education to the workers enrolled in RISE as part of their reintegration lessons. Over the course of the lessons via virtual in
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Restoring HOPE through Nutrition Education
Author: Jacqui Denegri
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education Assistant from Fayette County has been working for many years with the women from the HOPE Center, a residential drug rehabilitation center in Lexington Kentucky. Proper nutrition is key to the substance abuse healing process. It can help restore physical and mental health and improve the chance of recovery, furthermore, nutrient deficiencies can lead to symptoms of depression, anxiety, and low energy, all of which can trigger a relapse. Wo
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A Partnership for a Healthy Foundation
Author: Jacqui Denegri
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General

During the Fall and Winter of 2019 the Fayette County Snap Education Assistant partnered with Fayette County 4H to provide nutrition education lessons to 27 5th grade students at Julius Marks Elementary School. Over a period of 8 classes using the Teen Cuisine curriculum they taught the participants how to choose and prepare healthy meals, how to make sure their food is prepared safely, and shown new ideas for how to increase their physical activity.In order to ensure that their outreach goals w
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Physical Activity and Middle Schoolers
Author: Jacqui Denegri
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General

According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion only 21 percent of American youth meet the current Physical Activity Guidelines of 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day. This is no shock given that the average child spends 6 or more hours per day using electronic devices. Studies have shown this can lead to an inability to focus, insomnia and a drop in school performance. To address this, issue the Fayette County Extension Office partnered with Beaumont Middle Schoo
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment