KSU Administration Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

4081 - Science, Engineering, and Technology
4081.2) 50

Number of Volunteers (19+) engaged in SET 4-H Programming

4081.1) 250

Number of Youth (5-18) engaged in SET 4-H Programming

Success Stories

Spike Prime

Author: Casey Townsend

Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology

Spike Prime

McClean County and Carlisle, Kentucky are both rural populations with a large farming community.  With them being agricultural areas computer science is not a priority in preparing for future careers. 4-H Agents Nolan Petit and Cole Bell assessed the needs for clubs outside of the traditional model to start STEM clubs in their respective counties.  The results were overwhelming with the clubs becoming full.  Due to the high interest in STEM clubs, the 4-H agents requested a SPIKE

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