Wolfe County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
4041 - Family and Consumer Science | ||
4041.1) | 100 |
Number of youth who participated in education related to family and consumer sciences (KOSA) |
4041.2) | 100 |
Number of youth who completed a 4-H Family and Consumer Science Project (PRACTICE) |
4041.3) | 100 |
Number of youth who practiced financial decision-making skills as a result of what they learned in 4-H (SEEC) |
4041.5) | 45 |
Number of youth who indicated “yes or usually” to the Common Measures Experience Survey Question #13 “Is 4-H a place where you have a chance to be a leader?” (SEEC) |
4041.4) | 45 |
Number of youth who indicated “yes or usually” to the Common Measures Experience Survey Question #6 “Is 4-H A place where you get to figure out things for yourself?” (SEEC) |
Success Stories
Family Cooking Series
Author: Jessica Morris
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

As the pandemic swept across the commonwealth, the needs of our clients rose as well as the need to find a new delivery method. Wolfe County 4-H, Wolfe County SNAP Ed Assistant (Joy Rose), Youth Service Center (Connie Campbell) and Wolfe County ASAP collaborated together to provide a seven week cooking club for families of Wolfe County. Through grant funding from ASAP and funds provided by our YSC, we were able to partner together to provide each family with a crock pot and all ingredients neede
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment