Whitley County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

1122 - Forest Education: Health, Management, and Utilization
1122.13) 0

Number of acres owned or managed by forest health, management and utilization program participants

1122.12) 0

Number of dollars saved/earned by implementing forest health, management and utilization practices  

1122.11) 45

Number of businesses impacted by forest health, management and utilizations programs (note: Master Loggers typically represent a small business)  

1122.2) 45

Number of individuals who implemented one or more forest health, management and/or utilization practices

1122.1) 511

Number of people who increased knowledge on forest health, management and/or utilization (includes forest health program, urban tree health programs, forestry webinar series, Master Loggers program, Woodland Owner Short course, Non-timber products[i.e. mushrooms, Christmas trees, maple syrup], naturalist programs, county based forestry program, small scale logging forest industry training, log and lumber grading trainings, and other "tree-centric" programs)  

Success Stories

Forestry student success.

Author: Stacy White

Major Program: Forest Education: Health, Management, and Utilization

Forests are very important to Kentucky both environmentally and economically.  Nearly half of the commonwealth is forested.  The economic impact of the forest products industry in Kentucky is nearly 14 billion dollars annually.  The Whitley County ANR agent regularly conducts forestry trainings.  These trainings span a gambit from elementary school classrooms to professional logger workshops.  Often programs are presented at 4H Camp.  One particular 4H camper took a

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