Webster County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018

4041 - Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
4041.1) 24

Number of youth who indicate they listen to people who have different ideas

4041.2) 24

Number of youth who indicate they can finish a job they started

4041.3) 24

Number of youth who indicate they can take responsibility for their actions

4041.4) 0

Number of youth provided with diversity focused education

4041.5) 24

Number of 4-H members leading a project group or project club

4041.6) 24

Number of 4-H members serving as direct mentors to younger youth

4041.7) 24

Number of youth reported being a better leader (due to skills improved through Extension programming)

Success Stories

4-H Capitol Experience

Author: Wade Raymer

Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum

4-H Capitol Experience Help Youth Become Leaders. The 4-H: A Capitol Experience provides KY 4-H members with agreat opportunity to experience our government at work.  The past 2 yearscounties in the Green River Area partnered together to plan a trip toKentucky’s Capitol.  Eight Webster County youth visitedFrankfort and experienced our government at work. The experience gave the youthan opportunity to know their elected official, learn how the government worksand the process

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True Blue Character Counts

Author: Wade Raymer

Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum

True Blue Character Counts Kentucky 4-H emphasizes the importance of youth being active citizens in their community and understanding their roles as citizens. A strong component of citizenship is community service, connecting youth with their community and teaching them skill sets that will help them become better leaders in the future. One Webster County 4-H teen started the True Blue Character Counts club.  The club started out with 8 members that met once a month to give their

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