Webster County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

1053 - Commercial Horticulture - Crop Marketing
1053.5) 2

Number of producers who plan to explore selling products in other types of markets currently not employed

1053.7) 7

Number of producers who plan to use Facebook, Twitter and other social media to market their business

1053.8) 7

Number of producers who used Facebook, Twitter and other social media to market their business

1053.3) 0

Number of producers who plan to utilize resources provided by Extension for marketing products

1053.1) 7

Number of producers who plan to utilize a new method to advertise products as a result of what they learned from Extension

1053.2) 1

Number of producers who utilized a new method to advertise products

1053.4) 0

Number of producers who actually utilized resources provided by Extension for marketing products

1053.6) 1

Number of producers who are selling products in other types of markets not currently employed

Success Stories

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