Webster County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

1081 - Farm Management
1081.6) 47

Number of producers who gained knowledge of farm profitability for their enterprise(s) from Extension programming

1081.7) 6

Number of producers reporting increased profits and/or reduced risk due to farm management strategies learned through Extension programs 

1081.5) 0

Number of producers reporting improved machinery management through Extension programming efforts

1081.4) 4

Number of producers willing to adopt improved soil health/quality practices to improve profitability due to extension programming efforts

1081.3) 23

Number of producers who are comfortable using financial principles in their operations

1081.2) 0

Number of producers/landowners who better understand land leasing options (including advantages/disadvantages of each)

1081.1) 0

Number of producers/landowners willing to make a change to their leasing strategy

Success Stories

Management Details Improve Cow-calf Profitability

Author: Vicki Shadrick

Major Program: Farm Management

Paying attention to details helps to improve the profitability of any business. Dr. Kenneth Burdine, Dr. Greg Halich, and Jonathan Shepherd from the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Food and Environment, Agricultural Economics Department developed a program titled Cow Calf Profitability. They worked with Extension Agents for Agriculture and Natural Resources across the state to deliver the program in five locations across the commonwealth. Program topics focused primarily on managem

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