Wayne County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018

1061 - Sustainable Agriculture
1061.1) 100

Number of those indicating an increased awareness of sustainable agriculture practices

1061.2) 50

Number of producers that implemented sustainable practices as a result of participating in Extension programs

Success Stories

Conserve Resources, Reduce and Recycle

Author: Glen Roberts

Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture

Collaborators: Ky Department of Agriculture, ANR agent Glen Roberts, Ky State University Small Farm Assistant , Danny Adams, Ky Farm Bureau Federation, Wayne County Farm Bureau Federation, Valley Farm Center, UK Beef Nutrition Specialist, UK Soils Specialist, and UK Biosystems and Engineering specialists Goals: Livestock and grain farmers are perceived as good stewards of the land. They farm in a sustainable environmentally friendly and profitable manner. Through attendance at beef cat

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