Warren County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022

1046 - Pollinators
1046.1) 26

Number of people  gaining knowledge on establishing and maintaining pollinator habitats

1046.2) 110

Number of people who gained knowledge in honey production, marketing and proper maintenance

1046.3) 186

Number of people who used Extension resources in making decisions or employing best practices related to pollinators, and /or their habitats

1046.11) 52

Number of people who used Extension resources in making decisions or employing best practices related to processing or marketing of honey

Success Stories

Fall Monarch Waystation Garden Tours

Author: Kristin Hildabrand

Major Program: Pollinators

Native pollinators such as birds, moths, butterflies, honeybees, and other insects supplement more than $18 billion in revenue to 100 crops grown in the United States every year. Therefore, pollinators play a vital role in ensuring that Americans have an abundant food supply and a vibrant ecosystem. Sadly, native pollinator populations have steadily declined over the past few years due to loss of habitat and a number of other factors.  To assist with this issue, the Warren County Exten

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