Warren County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
4051 - Leadership | ||
4051.1) | 50 |
Number of youth who served as group leaders or officers (PRACTICE) |
4051.2) | 0 |
Number of youth who received education related to diversity and inclusivity (KOSA) |
4051.3) | 25 |
Number of youth who served as direct mentors to one or more younger youth (SEEC) |
4051.4) | 50 |
Number of youth who indicated “yes or usually” to the Common Measures Experience Survey Question #6 “Is 4-H A place where you get to figure out things for yourself?” (SEEC) |
4051.5) | 50 |
Number of youth who indicated “yes or usually” to the Common Measures Experience Survey Question #13 “Is 4-H a place where you have a chance to be a leader?” (SEEC) |
Success Stories
Agents Banded Together to Host Virtual 4-H Clubs
Author: Janet Turley
Major Program: Leadership

The pandemic of 2020 brought our entire nation to a screeching halt. Except for first responders, the United States and much of the world were on lock-down for much of the spring and summer. As summer turned into fall and the end of COVID-19 not in sight, a group of agents banded together to see how they could continue to meet the needs of their 4-H clientele. And thus, a new experiment of hosting district virtual 4-H clubs was born. This new concept extended the opportunity to learn high qualit
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Teens Make Impact during the Pandemic
Author: Janet Turley
Major Program: Leadership
One of the missions of the 4-H Program is to develop leaders. The Warren County 4-H Program has an active 4-H Leadership Club which encourages youth to identify problems in the community and find solutions. During the pandemic many resources for learning were closed including libraries. Access to books for limited resource students were unattainable. In June/July 2020, one Warren County 4-H teen realized there was a need in the community to provide books to low income children so that they could
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Teens Make Impact during the Pandemic
Author: Julie Brown
Major Program: Leadership
One of the missions of the 4-H Program is to develop leaders. The Warren County 4-H Program has an active 4-H Leadership Club which encourages youth to identify problems in the community and find solutions. During the pandemic many resources for learning were closed including libraries. Access to books for limited resource students were unattainable. In June/July 2020, one Warren County 4-H teen realized there was a need in the community to provide books to low income children so that they could
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