Union County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023
1011 - Beef | ||
1011.3) | 130 |
Number of producers who improve genetics by Implementing a crossbreeding program and utilizing Expected Progeny Difference to meet breeding objectives |
1011.2) | 130 |
Number for producers who adopted best practices to improve or maintain animal nutrition by forage testing and using analysis to develop supplement program, using body conditioning scores of cows to adjust supplement programs, use a complete mineral supplement or work with an agent or nutritionist to develop feed rations |
1011.1) | 132 |
Number for people who gained information on beef nutrition, animal health, genetics, reproduction, and/ or facilities and equipment |
1011.5) | 132 |
Number of producers who Develop and implement a herd health protocol and improve animal health practices (i.e. follow BQA guidelines, read and follow product labels and obey withdrawal periods, record animal treatments, improve animal handling/welfare skills |
1011.4) | 130 |
Number of producers who practiced efficient reproduction techniques (i.e. perform exams of pelvic area, reproduction tract scores, breeding soundness exam of bull, artificial insemination, pregnancy diagnosis or animal evaluation |
Success Stories
X10D Cattle Program
Author: Katie Hughes
Major Program: Beef

Union County and Henderson County put on a X10D cattle program to where producers could attend and learn more about this new app that the University of Kentucky and Tennessee created. There was a total of 18 people there to learn about this app. Producers were able to set up the app at the meeting and get help during the set up process. Dr Les Anderson was the speaker and also the creator of this app and showed the producers how to log in and what was available within this app that could help ke
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Beef Cattle Short Course
Author: Katie Hughes
Major Program: Beef

The Beef cattle short course was hosted by the Henderson Co and Union Co extension offices. This was 4 weeks in Nov of 22 with two weeks being hosted in Union and two weeks in Henderson co. Each week we had about 12 producers in attendance for this series. The topics included growth promotant application, EPDs , Bale Grazing, Cattle Marketing, Cattle Nutrition, fall calving and reproductive management. Speakers included Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler, Dr. Darrh Bullock, Dr. Chris Teutsch, Dr. Kenny Burdine
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment