Union County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018

4011 - Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
4011.1) 275

Number of youth who demonstrate a skill that was learned and/or improved by participating in a 4-H ANR project, program, event or activity

4011.2) 75

Number of youth that can keep production, performance or financial records on their 4-H agriculture projects

4011.3) 75

Number of youth who understands the role of agriculture in the production of food and fiber

4011.4) 50

Number of youth who are more aware of local farmer’s markets and community gardens

Success Stories

Union County Country Ham Project (September Success Story)

Author: Lauren Neltner

Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum

4-H is all about creating opportunities for youth, especially in the 4-H Country Ham Project! The Country Ham Project has been a long time tradition for youth in Union County.  In the past, the project has been conducted in Union County, however, due to some unforeseen changes, the Union County Country Ham Project moved to Broadbent Hams in Kuttawa, Kentucky.  The traveling did not keep youth from participating in the Country Ham Project!  The Union County 4-H program had nine 4-H

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Union County Farm Safety Day (January Success Story)

Author: Lauren Neltner

Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum

Safety comes first in Union County! The Union County 4-H Program along with the Conservation District, Kentucky Farm Bureau, Kentucky Fish and Wildlife, the FSA Office host Farm Safety Day every fall in Sturgis, KY at the John A. Arnold Arena. Farm Safety Day is an outdoor safety program where safety, environment, and agriculture are all tied together. This unique Safety Day provides excellent training for all 5th graders in Union County. From 1993-2018, approximately 4,451 students ha

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