Trigg County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
2062 - Food Preparation and Preservation | ||
2062.3) | 120 |
Number of individuals who reported preparing more healthy home-cooked meals |
2062.4) | 0 |
Number of pints of fruits, vegetables or fruit/vegetable products canned through water bath canning (e.g. pickles, jams, jellies, sauces) |
2062.2) | 100 |
Number of individuals who demonstrated safe handling and preparation and/or preservation of food |
2062.1) | 195 |
Number of individuals who reported improved knowledge, opinions, skills, or aspirations regarding the safe storage, handling, preparation and/or preservation of food |
2062.5) | 0 |
Number of pints of vegetables, soups, meats, or other value-added products canned through pressure canning |
2062.6) | 0 |
Number of pints of fruits or vegetables frozen |
2062.7) | 0 |
Number of pints of fruits or vegetables dried |
2062.8) | 0 |
Number of Food Preservation Workshop participants |
2062.9) | 0 |
Number of Food Preservation Workshop participants reporting an increase in food preservation skills |
Success Stories
Fixing Funky Foods
Author: Cecelia Hostilo
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
The 2020-21 KEHA year began with the Trigg County FCS agent presenting a lesson entitled “Fixing Funky Foods.” This lesson was chosen by the Pennyrile Area Homemakers because of the ever increasing selection of unfamiliar foods available in local groceries, even smaller stores.Our communities contain people from all over the world and our grocers want to meet their wants and needs, making those who have lived in those communities for many years wondering how to use these unusua
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The Power of Your Pantry
Author: Cecelia Hostilo
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Early during the pandemic, many people found their grocery stores temporarily out of certain food products. People were also concerned about contracting Covid-19 and tried to minimize trips to grocery store. As a result, they stocked up on groceries for their pantries, refrigerator, and freezer. A well-stocked pantry has benefits aside from emergency preparedness: It can increase the likelihood to cook, decrease the amount of prep time, reduce the need to use a recip
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment