Todd County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021

2070 - Cook Together, Eat Together
2070.3) 0

Number of individuals who adopted one or more practices to reduce food shopping costs (e.g. comparing prices, planning meals, making shopping lists)

2070.1) 0

Number of individuals who reported eating more healthy foods

2070.2) 6

Number of individuals who reported preparing more healthy home-cooked meals

Success Stories

Cook Together, Eat Together

Author: Jill Harris

Major Program: Cook Together, Eat Together

Cook Together, Eat Together

It has been reported that cooking more meals at home is related to increased fruit and vegetable consumption, which is a critical behavior for health promotion and disease prevention.   Cook Together, Eat Together, a social marketing program to promote more healthy, home-cooked family meals was offered virtually once a week for 8 weeks by the Todd County Extension Family & Consumer Sciences Agent.  A variety of food preparation methods, knife skills, adapting recipes, and food safe

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