Taylor County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

1031 - Home & Consumer Horticulture
1031.1) 2947

Number of participants engaged in home and consumer horticulture programming

Success Stories

Taylor County Public Library

Author: Kara Back-Campbell

Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture

Normal life has changed so much in the last few months. Busy meeting rooms have went from bustling to empty. The methods often used for education have had to be adjusted for these changing times. Before the pandemic the horticulture agent had been holding horticulture classes at the local public library. The classes were held on the 2nd Friday of the month in the morning, and the class was repeated the following Monday in the evenings. Thus, allowing more people to participate. Topics ranged fro

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