Laurel County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

1054 - Farmer's Markets
1054.1) 1530

Number of participants gaining access to Extension programming at local farmer’s markets

Success Stories

Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program

Author: Bonnie Sigmon

Major Program: Farmer's Markets

According to the 2018 census conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, Laurel County’s population now exceeds 60,000 individuals.  The census also revealed that Laurel County has a poverty rate of 23.2%, which is higher than Kentucky’s overall poverty rate of 18.2%.  Additionally, studies conducted by Feeding America indicated that 15.9% of Laurel County residents are food insecure, with 11.7% of the population being over age 65 and living below the poverty rate.  To addres

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