Laurel County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

3002 - Agritourism Planning
3002.2) 3

Number of businesses implementing economic development plans

3002.3) 2

Number of economic development-related projects/plans created with Extension’s assistance

3002.1) 5

Number of businesses reached through Extension programming

Success Stories

Extension Council Farm Industry Tour

Author: William Adkins

Major Program: Agritourism Planning

Local Agricultural Community Benefits from ExtensionThe annual Farm Industry Tour, organized and hosted by the Laurel County Extension Council, has become one of the most anticipated community events of the year.  The purpose of the tour is to introduce community members to local industries that provide agricultural goods and services, educate participants on new and emerging crops, and encourage them to shop locally.The 2019 tour began at a local farm where 42 people boarded old-fashioned

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