Meade County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

3002 - Agritourism Planning
3002.1) 3

Number of businesses reached through Extension programming

3002.3) 2

Number of economic development-related projects/plans created with Extension’s assistance

3002.2) 1

Number of businesses implementing economic development plans

Success Stories

Agritourism Special Event

Author: Andy Mills

Major Program: Agritourism Planning

The problemFor years now people in urban areas have been traveling through the country seeing agriculture throughout farm land and even visiting agritourism farms. In most cases people can see traditional farming just a few miles down the road which may not stimulate agriculture awareness as it’s needed. This ANR agent lobbied 5 years ago to bring a national competition to Meade County where giant fruit and vegetables are weighed for competition. This weigh off of giants now stimulates the

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