Meade County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

1061 - Sustainable Agriculture
1061.2) 560

Number of producers that implemented sustainable practices as a result of participating in Extension programs

1061.1) 621

Number of those indicating an increased awareness of sustainable agriculture practices

Success Stories

Inspiring Young Adults By Demonstration

Author: Andy Mills

Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture

This Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator was asked by one of the county agriculture teachers to help with an educational program for her vet science high school class. With the big increase in small animal interest in veterinarians the ANR agent decided to ask a local vet for help. In the classroom we demonstrated how to use an ultrasound machine on a pregnant dog to determine pregnancy. During this process students learned the importance of handling animals, how an ultrasound m

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