Mason County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

2004 - Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
2004.1) 310

Number of volunteers who practice personal and interpersonal leadership skills in clubs, schools and community outreach

2004.2) 10

Number of Extension programs/activities conducted by Extension Homemaker members

2004.3) 20

Number of KEHA members who worked with youth on behalf of Extension

2004.4) 50

Number of hours KEHA members volunteered with Extension youth development work

2004.5) 200

Number of hours KEHA members volunteered for Extension activities/events

2004.6) 2500

Number of hours KEHA members volunteered in community service (non-Extension) activities/events

Success Stories

Connecting Extension Homemakers

Author: Heather Cheek

Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

With the COVID-19 pandemic taking the world by surprise, the Governor of Kentucky has requested that people stay at home unless absolutely necessary. A large population reached by Mason County Family and Consumer Sciences include the 306 Extension Homemaker members. The majority of these members are over the age of 60 and deemed high risk for contracting the coronavirus. A fear of the stay at home order includes a feeling of isolation which can lead to depression. In an effort to combat the feel

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